Register type ------------- | FIELD NAME | TYPE | MIN,MAX OCC | INLINE | DESCRIPTION | |------------|--------------------|-------------|--------|----------------------------------------------| | docs | Doc(Document type) | 0,N | false | document liste, first one is the primary one | Document type ------------- | FIELD NAME | TYPE | MIN,MAX OCC | INLINE | DESCRIPTION | |------------|---------------------|-------------|--------|--------------------| | id | Text | 1,1 | | doctype ID | | parents | Int32 LE | 0,N | | parent types index | | fields | Doc(Field type) | 0,N | false | doctype fields | | attributes | Doc(Attribute type) | 0,N | false | doctype attributes | Field type ---------- | FIELD NAME | TYPE | MIN,MAX OCC | INLINE | DESCRIPTION | |------------|-----------------------|-------------|--------|---------------------------| | id | Text | 1,1 | | field ID | | minocc | Int32 LE | 1,1 | | field minimum occurrences | | maxocc | Int32 LE | 1,1 | | field maximum occurrences | | attributes | Doc(Attribute type) | 0,N | false | field attributes | | valuetype | Doc(Field value type) | 1,1 | true | field value type | | default | UInt8[] | 0.1 | | default value | Field value type ---------------- | FIELD NAME | TYPE | MIN,MAX OCC | INLINE | DESCRIPTION | |------------|--------------------|-------------|--------|------------------------------------------------------| | ptype | UInt8 | 1,1 | | field type | | size | VarUInt | 0,N | | field array size | | reftype | Int32 LE | 0,1 | | field doc type, should be a reference index in the 'docs' field list | | inline | Boolean byte | 0,1 | | if document are stored inline | | charenc | Text | 0,1 | | field character encoding | Attribute type -------------- | FIELD NAME | TYPE | MIN,MAX OCC | INLINE | DESCRIPTION | |------------|-----------------------|-------------|--------|----------------------------------------------------| | id | Text | 1,1 | | attribute ID | | nbocc | VarUInt | 1,1 | | attribute number of occurrences | | valuetype | Doc(Field value type) | 1,1 | true | attribute field value type | | value | UInt8[] | 1.1 | | attributes values encoded as defined by value type |